Public Education & Awareness

We're exchanging knowledge and building awareness in the community! Check out our training opportunities for service providers below.

For more educational resources, visit our Learning Tools and Childhood Sexual Abuse pages.


Responding to Disclosures of Childhood Sexual Abuse Workshop

In the Responding to Disclosures of Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) workshop, you…

Responding to Disclosures of Childhood Sexual Abuse Workshop

Introduction to Heartwood Presentation

Heartwood Healing Centre is the only organization in Manitoba whose mission is…

Introduction to Heartwood Presentation

In the Responding to Disclosures of Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) workshop, you and your team will learn about and explore personal and structural barriers to supporting folks who disclose a history of CSA, and build personal and organizational capacity to support them.

This workshop is intended for service providers who work with folks where disclosures of CSA may come up. Its purpose is to help guide service providers in those conversations and provide tools for supporting those making disclosures.

Below you will find an outline of what that workshop entails:

  • Information on the impact and prevalence of CSA
  • Intersectional factors of CSA
  • Colonialism and CSA
  • How trauma disrupts the body and brain
  • Creating safety
  • Clinical models and modalities
  • Vicarious trauma and self-care as service providers
  • Resource sharing

The content of the workshop can also be tailored to meet your needs. If there’s something you’re interested in having covered that isn’t on this outline, we can definitely have a conversation about that.

Fill out our workshop request form:

For more info, contact Cara at [email protected]

Heartwood Healing Centre is the only organization in Manitoba whose mission is entirely dedicated to childhood sexual abuse. Learn about who we are, what we do, our history, why we exist, and why CSA is a societal issue we should all care about.

For more information to book a presentation, please email Cara at [email protected]